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This Group is dedicated to all aspects of the maritime and shipping in...
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Full service PR, Marketing and Visual Events agency dedicated to the m...
Q: What is the aim of FOB?
A: It gives people in the industries we know a place where they can network. The site is designed to be uncomplicated and useful for people and businesses who need a specialised space. It is not designed to compromise the proprietary needs of members but it can be used to promote ideas, foster discussions and industry debates. The main content on FOB will be carried either on the My Business pages or the Group pages. There is also a News page and Fobbed Off--a page under the aegis of John Kulukundis who will act as a social correspondent for FOB.

Q: What is the difference between FOB and other networks such as MySpace, Facebook, Linked In or Plaxo?
A: FOB is aimed primarily at the readers of the Maritime Advocate and Bow Wave who share common interest in the industries concerned , some of whom may be new to the techniques of this form of networking. The design of FOB is simple and should be accessible to people and businesses, be they "newbies" or fluent online networkers. Members will be encouraged to contribute to the site and to subscribe to Groups. We will quietly encourage sensible contributions with a high information content rather than mere sales pitches.

Q: What does it cost to join FOB?
A: Joining FOB is free to individuals. Joining as a business costs £50. This fee helps us to defray costs and keep the network a going concern.

Q: How do I join FOB?
A: Click on the "Register" button on the home page and follow the instructions. Business members will be prompted to pay via our PayPal account which runs under the name of After Office Hours Ltd. The space for a registered business member contains a place where a 156x156 pixel JPG image may be loaded to allow for logos or other graphics.

Q: If I join FOB, do I have to contribute?
A: We hope you will. But as a rule for every active networker using the internet there are nine observers taking a more passive approach.

Q: What should I contribute?
A: News, opinion, pictures, YouTube videos, special offers, calls for papers, links to interesting stuff, even humour.

Q: Where do I contribute?
To load the My blogs spaces, simply cut and paste into the description box. You can load files in Word, Excel, Powerpoint and JPGS as documents to download. But please note these can only be added after the title and the description of the blog has been saved.

Q: Can casual browsers read my messages?
A: Only contacts you have approved will be able to read your messages. If you leave a message on a registered member´s page, this is where it will appear. If that member wants to reply he can do so by leaving a message on your space. We have designed a simple "Leave a Message" function for now, but in the months to come we will build in a facility which allows the threading of messages into one conversation.

Q: How do I let people know what is in my space?
A: Use the field provided to invite them to join your space. Registered members can alsoapply to access your space. If you do not accept, they will not be able to access your space. If you would like to invite people on a long mailing list we can arrange to do this for you.

Q: How can I start a Group?
A: Groups are centrally managed by the site administrators in the interests of avoiding sprawls and duplications

Please send a message on your proposed group to:

Q: How can I sponsor a Group?
A: A variety of advertising and sponsorship packages are available. Please send your proposed sponsorship ideas to:

Q: What banner sizes are used on FOB?
A: Horizontal Banners are JPGs sized at 60x468 pixels
Left Hand Vertical Banners are JPGs sized at 120X600 pixels
Small Square logo banners are JPGs sized at 156x156 pixels

Q: Who do I contact for technical support?

Q: Who can I contact for further infromation?
A: Questions concerning FOB content--
Contact: Sam Ignarski -- phone +44 7887 632503

Questions concerning advertising and sponsorship enquiries--
Contact: Humphrey Hill -- phone + 44 7785 111503
Copyright FOB 2020